Clifford Ormsby with CH X-Pert Velvet Buck 1xW CH X-Pert The Imp Charles Doyle CH Jone's Gay One Roxie X-Pert Red Rascal |
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Ch.X-Pert Topsy II had another great litter, she was bred to Daniel's Ripper to produce Ch.X-Pert Velvet Buck 1xW. Buck was magnificient dog, owned by Ormsby's he won Westminster in 1958. But he was not only great show dog, Buck was well known at the pit side, he won over Al Offer dog in 1 hour 17 mins in Theo Raborn hands. Clifford Ormsby:"Now, Buck was a good looking pup and a good looking dog. You know, people come in and they say, I think that one there is the best one.That would be Buck.". Here is CH X-Pert Velvet Buck 1xW pedigree.
Having so tight breedings, Clifford decided to make some outcross breedings to add them then to his main tightbred line. Ormsby's bred Biff to many bitches and he was also available for stud servis. Barbara Books, Arthur Jones and some others bred their bitches to Ch.Biff. In 1953 Barbara Books bred her CH Miss Mugwump to CH X-Pert Brindle Biff. Westminster winner of 1955 CH X-Pert The Imp and CH X-Pert Glamour Girl were born there Here is the pedigree.
Arthur Glen Jones had a bitch of Barbara Books breeding, this bitch was from The Tiger Of CleveIand x Doyle bloods. Tiger was Pitts, Carney's and Harry Clark's lines. Carney's pedigrees went back to old Smuggler, Tudor's Black Jack and Colby's bloods. Here is The Tiger Of Cleveland ped.
Carney's pedigrees went back to old Smuggler, Tudor's Black Jack 16xW and Colby's bloods. Here is Carney's Beauty pedigree.
Charles Doyle's bloods had strong influence in Jone's Gay One Roxie. Most of Charles Doyle dogs were good gamedogs, high drive and were bred from Bruce x Feeley bloods. Here is CH Maggie (granddam of Jone's Gay One Roxie) pedigree.
So, Arthur Glen Jones bred his Jone's Gay One Roxie to Ch.X-Pert Brindle Biff. There was only one puppy born, named Jaque Duke. Later Jones inbred on Jone's Gay One Roxie, Jaque Duke was bred to his dam to produce a litter of red colored puppies. X-Pert Red Rascal is most known from this litter. I think that many amstaff breeders of today know how X-Pert Red Rascal was influential for this breed. Here is X-Pert Red Rascal pedigree.